Saturday, January 30, 2010

Warrior Quests

I haven't run many instances since my last post.  Mainly because I didn't had much time for BigF but also because I wanted to work on the warrior specific quests, specifically Essences of Exile.  I was also at 225 for my First Aid, so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone in the Arathi Highlands.


First, it seems you need to be 35 to get the quest Triage for first aid.  I was 34 when I looked - a fresh 34.

Second, the elemental exiles I had to kill?  They were either a very deep orange 38 or a bright red 39.  No problem, says I, I've been killing red mobs on a regular basis.  I'M PROT!

Y'ever notice that there's a difference between mobs that are the same level?  I mean, I understand that they should and do have different abilities and attacks and such, but some you can kill easily while others just eat your lunch?  That's the case here on several levels.  I have killed mobs in the upper 30s with relative ease before, even as a 33 myself.  These guys, especially the 39s were very different.  Still, I managed to cull enough 38s and barely survive enough 39s to get the necessary 8 cresting charms with just a few deaths.  The drop rate for the charms isn't that great, but I figured it was good XP so I didn't mind.  Then I moved on to the thundering charms.  And hit a wall.  Well, not a wall exactly, more like a gale force wind.  These air elementals have ranged attacks that make it very difficult to pull them away from their compatriots.  Plus the drop rate still sucks.  I find my self eating/bandaging/lifeblooming during or after every pull which makes for some VERY slow going.  And I haven't even touched the burning guys yet.

As I was writing this post, I did notice that the charms can be bought on the AH, or farmed by a higher level toon.  I may check out their prices and see how much they cost.  But I won't spend too much, though.  I did finally ding 35 so hopefully the mobs will be just that much easier to kill now.

Then I'm going back to the dungeon.

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